Road to Snowflake SnowPro Core Certification: Complete Course

Interested in getting certified in the Snowflake SnowPro Core Certification? Keep reading

Gonzalo Fernandez Plaza
3 min readAug 24, 2021
Snowflake SnowPro Core Certification Course.
Snowflake SnowPro Core Certification Course.

Hello everyone. I have decided to launch this course to help everyone trying to study for the Snowflake SnowPro Core Certification Exam or everybody trying to learn how to use Snowflake and discover all its power. This course is adapted to the new COF-C02 new version of the SnowPro Core Certification Exam, released in early September 2022. It will be divided into chapters with detailed content on each Snowflake functionality, cheat sheets, diagrams, and more. At the end of each chapter, I will also solve the typical exam questions to prepare you for the exam.

You can find all the chapters at the following link.

The SnowPro Core Certification demonstrates an individual’s knowledge to apply core expertise in implementing and migrating to Snowflake. It’s also necessary to go further with the SnowPro Advanced Certifications, a prerequisite for all advanced exams. This course covers Snowflake architectural principles and best practices, always focusing on the questions you will face in the exam. The exam costs $175, and you need to get a passing score of 750 on a scaled score from 0–1000. The following picture shows the estimated percentage range of each exam part updated to the new COF-C02 model (you can find more information at

Estimated Percentage Domain Ranges updated to the COF-C02 exam.
Estimated Percentage Domain Ranges updated to the COF-C02 exam.

Snowflake was recognized as a Leader by Gartner, positioned for the third consecutive year in the Magic Quadrant Report. It demonstrates Snowflake’s strong momentum, providing the best environment for data with near-infinite resources and computing power, all at a fraction of the cost of other solutions.

Are you looking for more ways to prepare for the Snowflake SnowPro Core Certification Exam?

Practicing with sample questions and exam simulations can significantly boost your chances of success. That’s why we recommend FullCertified, the ultimate resource for Snowflake certification preparation:

  • You can find more than 500 Snowflake SnowPro questions, including detailed explanations.
  • Access to a real exam simulator to thoroughly prepare for the exam.
  • You can download all the question on PDF.

Visit FullCertified today and get the maximize your certification preparation!

Thanks for Reading!

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Gonzalo Fernandez Plaza

Computer Science Engineer & Tech Lead 🖥️. Publishing AWS & Snowflake ❄️ courses & exams.